How To Fix Valorant DirectX Runtime Error | Complete Guide

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Valorant DirectX Runtime Errors: How to Fix Them?

Valorant DirectX runtime errors can be frustrating, but they are usually easy to fix. In this article, we will explore the causes of these errors and provide step-by-step instructions on how to resolve them.

DirectX is a software suite that provides low-level access to hardware for games and other multimedia applications. Valorant is a popular first-person shooter game that uses DirectX to render its graphics. When Valorant encounters a problem with DirectX, it can cause the game to crash or display an error message.

There are several common causes of Valorant DirectX runtime errors, including:

  • Outdated DirectX drivers
  • Corrupt game files
  • Hardware problems

If you are experiencing Valorant DirectX runtime errors, the first step is to try updating your DirectX drivers. You can do this by visiting the Microsoft website and downloading the latest version of DirectX.

If updating your DirectX drivers does not fix the problem, you can try verifying the integrity of your game files. To do this, open the Valorant launcher and click on the "Settings" tab. Then, click on the "Verify Game Files" button.

If verifying your game files does not fix the problem, you may need to contact Riot Games support. They can help you troubleshoot the problem and find a solution.

Fix Valorant DirectX Runtime Errors

Valorant DirectX runtime errors can be frustrating, but they are usually easy to fix. Here are five key aspects to consider when troubleshooting these errors:

  • Outdated DirectX drivers: Make sure your DirectX drivers are up to date.
  • Corrupt game files: Verify the integrity of your Valorant game files.
  • Hardware problems: Check for any hardware problems that could be causing the errors.
  • Reinstall Valorant: If all else fails, try reinstalling Valorant.
  • Contact Riot Games support: If you are still having problems, contact Riot Games support for help.

By following these steps, you should be able to fix Valorant DirectX runtime errors and get back to gaming.

Outdated DirectX drivers

DirectX is a software suite that provides low-level access to hardware for games and other multimedia applications. Valorant is a popular first-person shooter game that uses DirectX to render its graphics. When Valorant encounters a problem with DirectX, it can cause the game to crash or display an error message.

Outdated DirectX drivers are a common cause of Valorant DirectX runtime errors. When DirectX drivers are out of date, they may not be able to properly communicate with Valorant, which can lead to errors. Updating your DirectX drivers can often fix these errors.

To update your DirectX drivers, you can visit the Microsoft website and download the latest version of DirectX. Once you have downloaded the latest version of DirectX, install it and restart your computer. After your computer has restarted, you should be able to play Valorant without any DirectX runtime errors.

Here are some tips for keeping your DirectX drivers up to date:

  • Enable automatic updates for DirectX in Windows Update.
  • Check the Microsoft website for the latest version of DirectX.
  • Install the latest version of DirectX when prompted by Valorant.

By keeping your DirectX drivers up to date, you can help to prevent Valorant DirectX runtime errors and ensure that your game runs smoothly.

Corrupt game files

Corrupt game files can be another cause of Valorant DirectX runtime errors. When game files are corrupt, they may not be able to be read properly by Valorant, which can lead to errors. Verifying the integrity of your game files can help to fix these errors.

To verify the integrity of your Valorant game files, open the Valorant launcher and click on the "Settings" tab. Then, click on the "Verify Game Files" button.

Valorant will then scan your game files and repair any that are corrupt. Once the scan is complete, you should be able to play Valorant without any DirectX runtime errors.

It is important to note that verifying the integrity of your game files may take some time, depending on the size of your game installation. However, it is a good way to ensure that your game files are not corrupt and that you are able to play Valorant without any problems.

Hardware problems

Hardware problems can also cause Valorant DirectX runtime errors. These problems can include:

  • Faulty graphics card
  • Overheating CPU or GPU
  • Insufficient RAM

If you are experiencing Valorant DirectX runtime errors, it is important to check for any hardware problems that could be causing the errors. You can do this by running a hardware diagnostic tool or by contacting a computer technician.

If you find that you have a hardware problem, you may need to replace the faulty hardware component. Once you have replaced the faulty hardware component, you should be able to play Valorant without any DirectX runtime errors.

Here are some tips for preventing hardware problems:

  • Keep your computer clean and free of dust.
  • Make sure your computer has adequate ventilation.
  • Do not overclock your computer's hardware.
  • Back up your important data regularly.

By following these tips, you can help to prevent hardware problems and ensure that your Valorant experience is smooth and enjoyable.

Reinstall Valorant

Reinstalling Valorant can be a helpful way to troubleshoot Valorant DirectX runtime errors. When you reinstall Valorant, it will replace all of the game's files with fresh copies. This can help to fix any problems that may be caused by corrupt or damaged game files.

In addition, reinstalling Valorant can also help to reset the game's settings. This can be helpful if you have made any changes to the game's settings that may be causing problems.

To reinstall Valorant, follow these steps:

  1. Close Valorant and the Valorant launcher.
  2. Open the Control Panel.
  3. Click on "Programs and Features".
  4. Find Valorant in the list of programs and click on "Uninstall".
  5. Follow the prompts to uninstall Valorant.
  6. Once Valorant has been uninstalled, restart your computer.
  7. Download the Valorant installer from the official Valorant website.
  8. Run the Valorant installer and follow the prompts to install Valorant.

Once Valorant has been reinstalled, you should be able to play the game without any DirectX runtime errors.

Contact Riot Games support

When troubleshooting Valorant DirectX runtime errors, it's crucial to consider reaching out to Riot Games support if the aforementioned solutions fail to resolve the issue. Riot Games support is a valuable resource for players experiencing technical difficulties or persistent errors within their games.

  • Official Expertise:
    Riot Games support comprises a team of experts dedicated to Valorant's technical aspects. They possess in-depth knowledge of the game's inner workings, enabling them to provide accurate and effective troubleshooting assistance.
  • Game-Specific Support:
    Unlike generic tech support, Riot Games support focuses exclusively on Valorant, ensuring that the assistance provided is tailored to the game's specific requirements and potential issues.
  • Direct Communication:
    Contacting Riot Games support allows for direct communication between the player and the support team. This enables a more personalized approach to troubleshooting, where specific details and error messages can be conveyed for efficient resolution.
  • Community Insights:
    Riot Games support often collaborates with the Valorant community, gathering feedback and identifying common issues. This collaborative approach ensures that support solutions are constantly updated and refined based on player experiences.

By utilizing Riot Games support, players can access specialized expertise, game-specific troubleshooting, direct communication channels, and community-driven insights, increasing the likelihood of resolving Valorant DirectX runtime errors effectively.

Valorant DirectX Runtime Errors

Here are some frequently asked questions about Valorant DirectX runtime errors and their answers:

Question 1: What are Valorant DirectX runtime errors?

Valorant DirectX runtime errors are errors that can occur when Valorant is trying to use DirectX to render the game's graphics. These errors can be caused by a variety of factors, including outdated DirectX drivers, corrupt game files, and hardware problems.

Question 2: How can I fix Valorant DirectX runtime errors?

There are several things you can do to fix Valorant DirectX runtime errors. First, try updating your DirectX drivers. If that doesn't work, try verifying the integrity of your game files. If you are still having problems, you may need to reinstall Valorant.

Question 3: What are some common causes of Valorant DirectX runtime errors?

Some common causes of Valorant DirectX runtime errors include:

  • Outdated DirectX drivers
  • Corrupt game files
  • Hardware problems
Question 4: Can I prevent Valorant DirectX runtime errors from happening?

There is no guaranteed way to prevent Valorant DirectX runtime errors from happening, but there are some things you can do to reduce the risk of experiencing these errors. These include:

  • Keeping your DirectX drivers up to date
  • Verifying the integrity of your game files regularly
  • Backing up your important data
Question 5: What should I do if I am experiencing Valorant DirectX runtime errors?

If you are experiencing Valorant DirectX runtime errors, there are several things you can do to troubleshoot the problem. First, try updating your DirectX drivers. If that doesn't work, try verifying the integrity of your game files. If you are still having problems, you may need to reinstall Valorant. If you have tried all of these solutions and you are still experiencing errors, you can contact Riot Games support for help.

Summary: Valorant DirectX runtime errors can be frustrating, but they are usually easy to fix. By following the steps outlined in this FAQ, you should be able to fix these errors and get back to gaming.


Valorant DirectX runtime errors can hinder a seamless gaming experience. However, by understanding the causes and employing appropriate troubleshooting techniques, these errors can be effectively resolved. Whether it's updating DirectX drivers, verifying game file integrity, or seeking support from Riot Games, players have various options at their disposal to address these issues.

Remember to prioritize preventive measures such as regular driver updates and periodic game file verification to minimize the likelihood of encountering these errors. By embracing a proactive approach and utilizing the available resources, players can ensure an optimal Valorant gaming experience, free from the annoyance of DirectX runtime errors.

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